Infertility Conference Speaker

Valerie has specialized in pelvic health as a Physical Therapist for 14 years. She has started and directed 3 programs, including beginning her current clinic, the first of its kind in her state. She has extensive training in all aspects of Pelvic PT, but enjoys treating complex conditions and persistent pelvic pain. Her additional training includes perinatal mental health, trauma-informed care, visceral mobilization techniques, and more. She continues to learn, teach, and be involved in the community to promote awareness and quality care. She is passionate about education, empowerment, and treating each individual from a whole-body perspective.
Physical Therapy for Pelvic Pain- Fertility, Endometriosis, and More
This session provides information on how Pelvic Physical Therapy can be an important part in overall care for a variety of pelvic health conditions. We review how to determine if PT would be beneficial, what to expect from treatments, anatomy, education, home care, and more.
Breakout Session 2
Room 220